Writer and Speaker. Challenging stereotypes around mental health.

Libraries & Book Clubs
Need an engaging speaker, workshop host, or guest at your book club (zoom or in-person?)
Author talks. I receive great feedback from my author talks and love doing them. People are so curious about SPLIT and my journey so author talks are a wonderful way to enjoy relaxed two-way conversations with attendees and to break down some of the stigmas around mental health. I also do a variety of talks on different aspects of the writing life and am happy to work towards the needs of the community.
Workshops. I can cater towards the needs of your local writing community and can focus on different aspects of the writing practice, with lots of writing and exchanges that encourage attendees to work on their craft.
Book Club. These are fun and fulfilling for all involved. I can support the book club with an extensive set of questions that we can discuss regarding SPLIT and what it’s like to live with multiple personality disorder (now known as dissociative identity disorder) and can zoom in to your group for up to 1 hour or sometimes attend in person too.
Arts Community
I offer a few different services to the arts community.
Entry Level Manuscript Assessment. Every great manuscript begins with a solid constructive critique.
- Entry-level assessments (I’m still learning!). For short story or partial assessment, up to 25 pages, double-spaced and in Word for inline comments (note: this is not an in-depth line edit), $200. -
Full Manuscript assessment. Up to 60k words. Inline comments regarding structure, story, and character development. Inline comment and report $1,000. $100 for each additional 10k words.

Medical Community
I provide workshops and facilitate discussions around the topic of MPD/DID, using SPLIT as an inside perspective for helping front-line workers understand the needs of those they see. My workshops are for psychologists and front-line workers. While I am not a medical practitioner myself, but by sharing my story and allowing space for in-depth conversations about how my system works. In this way, I provide insight into complex mental health.
​Pricing is based on the length of the workshops and a copy of the epub of SPLIT is included as part of the cost.
Looking through the literature on DID, while informative, can not fully prepare you for working with the complexities that come with this condition. Maggie’s ability to warmly and intelligently discuss her lived experience of DID, offers unique and invaluable insights into the development, structures, and challenges of living and working with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Matt Wagner,
Clinical Psychologist